Monday, October 25, 2010

From the mouth of babes (Part I)

You knew a toddler-talk post was inevitable... :)

Although my daughter's grammar is somewhere on par with Timbaland's "The Way I Are" track, she tosses out a few gems once in awhile that just have us ROTFL'g, and I'm compelled to document them. (Again, these are funny to us... I understand completely if they mean nothing to you.)

I'm trying not to be the parent that thinks everything their kid says is funny (of course, it is), but I'll provide more as they come and if I deem them worthy of publishing. (Yup, she's already being pressured and judged... good thing we already know she's going to be a doctor/astronaut.)

Here are a few gems from the past little while:

Walking home from the park (about 7-8 blocks away) and Dad was carrying Gaby. We were almost home and clearly Gaby was getting a little heavy in his arms because he was grunting a bit. After one too many grunts, Gaby asks: "Dad, are you pooping?" We literally laughed out loud.

Colsen was wiggling around and my husband asked playfully, "Are you shakin'? Are you shakin'?" Gaby said, "No Daddy, he's not shaking, he's Colsen."

At the doctor's office, in the warm waiting room, I was fanning Colsen with a book that Gaby and I had just finished reading. Gaby watches for a few seconds, takes the book from me and say, "Mom, I'm going to put that away now. You're just being silly."

Gaby had bitten another little girl at daycare and on the way home we were discussing it:

Mom: Gaby, we don't bite people, right?
Gaby: Don't bite Mommy?
Mom: Right.
Gaby: Don't bite Daddy?
Mom: Right.
Gaby: Don't bite Colsen?
Mom: That's right, you don't bite people.
Gaby: Don't bite people... only food.


Gaby: Daddy scared me.
Mom: How did Daddy scare you?
Gaby: He was cleaning.

Although I know that Daddy had been vacuuming and it was likely the noise that scared her, I like her use of the word 'cleaning' instead of the more specific 'vacuuming' (which she knows). Daddy 'cleaning' would scare me too -- it happens so rarely. (Love you dear!)

We have home-made burritos every couple weeks and along side of these we have nacho chips. One day, Gaby saw the nacho chips but forgot their proper name and said, "Mommy, are you going to have some burrito crackers?"

And the heart-stopper... completely unprovoked and out of the blue at least once a week, "I like boys. Boys have penises."


If you want to share some of your toddler's chat in the comment section, that would be awesome!


  1. Ok, so I don't have kids, but I have lot's of little cousins... My cousin was cooking in the kitchen and asked her 3 year old son to clean up his colouring from the table. He didn't, so she asked again. He looked up and said (with tons of attitude and using his pointer finger for emphasis) " I heard you the first time woman!". We died.

  2. Ahahaha... ok... that's hilarous! :)

  3. Love these!!

    I saw my niece yesterday and the first thing she said to me (kind of in a tattling tone) was " My daddy never listens to my mommy". I looked at my sister and she just shrugged, "'s true".

    We used to sell a book called "My quotable kid" so parents can keep a diary of all the funny things their kids say:)

  4. Christine.... "I heard you the first time Woman!" = awesome! :)

  5. This is a great blog. Your kids sound really entertaining! :)
